Triple F: A former Capitol Hill page tells the L.A. Times of a sexual encounter with the "Florida Fag Foley." In his case, nothing happened until he was 21. (LAT)
Had to Go Number Two: Saw "Jackass Number Two" with a couple old pals recently. It was totally hilarious. And those closing credits contained as many funny scenes as the movie -- which makes the upcoming DVD with bonus footage all the more appealing. (MovieWeb)
Abercrombie & Bitch: It's no secret that the fashion industry does a number on a woman's self-image. But new research shows that all of those images of perfectly sculpted male models is hard on guys too (no shit). (AP)
In Cold Blood: A Republican senator is holding up a Michigan judge's nomination to the federal bench because she reportedly helped lead a commitment ceremony for a lesbian couple four years ago. Notoriously anti-gay Sen. Sam Brownback of Kansas, a staunch opponent of same-sex marriage who has presidential aspirations, said Friday he wants to know whether there was anything illegal or improper about the ceremony, which took place in Massachusetts. (AP)
Five Years Plus: A Republican congressman knew of disgraced former representative Mark Foley's inappropriate Internet exchanges as far back as 2000 and personally confronted Foley about his communications. A spokeswoman for Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz.) confirmed yesterday that a former page showed the congressman Internet messages that had made the youth feel uncomfortable with the direction Foley (R-Fla.) was taking their e-mail relationship. Last week, when the Foley matter erupted, a Kolbe staff member suggested to the former page that he take the matter to the clerk of the House, Karen Haas, said Kolbe's press secretary, Korenna Cline. (WP)
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