Monday, October 09, 2006

Page 1 Consider (10/09)

  • Triple F: A former Capitol Hill page tells the L.A. Times of a sexual encounter with the "Florida Fag Foley." In his case, nothing happened until he was 21. (LAT)

  • Had to Go Number Two: Saw "Jackass Number Two" with a couple old pals recently. It was totally hilarious. And those closing credits contained as many funny scenes as the movie -- which makes the upcoming DVD with bonus footage all the more appealing. (MovieWeb)

  • Abercrombie & Bitch: It's no secret that the fashion industry does a number on a woman's self-image. But new research shows that all of those images of perfectly sculpted male models is hard on guys too (no shit). (AP)

  • In Cold Blood: A Republican senator is holding up a Michigan judge's nomination to the federal bench because she reportedly helped lead a commitment ceremony for a lesbian couple four years ago. Notoriously anti-gay Sen. Sam Brownback of Kansas, a staunch opponent of same-sex marriage who has presidential aspirations, said Friday he wants to know whether there was anything illegal or improper about the ceremony, which took place in Massachusetts. (AP)

  • Five Years Plus: A Republican congressman knew of disgraced former representative Mark Foley's inappropriate Internet exchanges as far back as 2000 and personally confronted Foley about his communications. A spokeswoman for Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz.) confirmed yesterday that a former page showed the congressman Internet messages that had made the youth feel uncomfortable with the direction Foley (R-Fla.) was taking their e-mail relationship. Last week, when the Foley matter erupted, a Kolbe staff member suggested to the former page that he take the matter to the clerk of the House, Karen Haas, said Kolbe's press secretary, Korenna Cline. (WP)
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