So last night I read that the guy who outted publicly named the (onetime) page involved in the Mark Foley scandal is this blogger called Wild Bill. Although his sleuth work was admirable (he noticed ABC's slip-up that revealed an AOL screen name and ran with it), the inner turmoil in the Republican Party that his blog exposes is the really fun part.
Although the spelling, grammar, punctuation and writing are so bad I could barely get through a little bit, what I gather is that Wild Bill is convinced the Foley scandal was some sort of conspiracy orchestrated by [insert conservative blogger answer here: A. the Dems; B. the liberal-biased media; C. the Dems and the liberal-biased media]. He believes the "victim," the 7.5-inch penised Jordan Edmund, was over 18 when the messages were sent and therefore Mark Foley got a bum deal. But Michelle Malkin and the rest of his fellow rightwing nuts have all jumped on the side of protecting this "victim" page. Why? Mr. Edmund is also the current deputy campaign manager for "a heartland Republican congressman" (Malkin couldn't bring herself to name him, but it's Oklahoma gubernatorial candidate Ernest Istook, who is currently a Republican congressman). It's so fun watching these freaks chase their tails around not knowing which way to spin the story -- trying to figure out what might be less damaging (hint: neither).
And if you're reading this, Jordan, please do me a favor. You're obviously a big homo given your hilarious bitchy comments about "making fun" of "fat/stupid people at the gym" on your MySpace profile. Do yourself a favor and get away from the Grand Old Party before you turn into another [insert self-loathing Republican politician's name here]. You're better than that -- and it's just a matter of time before the GOP chews you up and spits you out. (PassionateAmerica)
FYI: The WSJ reports that Wild Bill is unemployed, has been fired from several jobs over the years -- installing car radios, working for a call center -- and was discharged from the Navy in 1993 after faking a suicide attempt. Oh, and that he volunteers that years ago he was arrested for burglary. Sounds like the Republican Party has another one of them "values voters" on their hands ...
Read: Ex-page emerges as key figure; Bloggers target Californian as recipient of IMs (WP)
Berkeley student named in scandal; Unwanted attention plagues former page (IBA)
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