Monday, September 11, 2006

Monday Photologue

ONE IS THE LONELIEST NUMBER: I'd hate to need a manicure and only be able to get one nail done at a time.

MOTHER AND CHILD REUNION: Remember the cutie and his mom last week? I ran into them again and our blond hunk is as strapping as ever (although a restraining order seems imminent) ...

FLAME ON: Chris Evans has gotta be the sexiest guy in Hollywood, but there's still no excuse for this kind of behavior. (I need professional help, I know.)


Steve Reed said...

Okay, but I'd be kissing him on the LIPS. :)

Lavi Soloway said...

This is hilarious. You need to interview the hunk (and his mom, for comic effect).

Ryan said...

Hey Kenneth, I came upon this tidbit of info today...

I know that you are a big Rosanne Cash fan, as am I.

I think it airs this week Friday.

That pic of you with Chris Evans is freakin awesome, I would have done the same thing!