Saturday, September 30, 2006

Mark Foley: Republican Jerkoff

The Mark Foley boy-sex scandal keeps taking more disturbing twists and turns. My friend John over at Americablog has all the creepy angles covered (he even spoke about it on CNN this afternoon). It seems the GOP leadership -- all the way up to House Speak Dennis Hastert -- were well-aware of Foley's lurid behavior, yet they all opted to treat it as a political issue rather than the potentially criminal matter that it was. Click here for all the details.


Alan Bennett Ilagan said...

Is anyone else more horrified by the spelling and grammar errors...?

J. David Zacko-Smith said...

The spelling and grammar errors are BAD, and make me sick! What makes me even more sick is that this crap is just par for the course for the GOP God-fearing hypocrites! Just think about the stuff we DON'T know about (yet)!

Anonymous said...

FINALLY! A repug sex scandal! Maybe now the sheeple will wake up and pay attention and vote all those bastards out of office! (Hey, a guy can hope, can't he?)

Anonymous said...

I feel like I need to wash my computer screen.

Anonymous said...

Why are we all getting worked up over this? It'll just go the way of all the other GOP "scandals," i.e. Jeff Gannon, Plamegate, Jack Abramoff, Halliburton, the medicare bribe for Rep. Nick Smith's(R-MI) vote by Tom Delay, Armstrong Williams payoff, and how can we forget -- weapons of mass destruction. Undoubtedly Karl Rove will spin this yarn into silk ... & throw it on the pile with all the rest.

Anonymous said...

This scandal is NOT going to go away because it involves CHILDREN.

Americans are very protective of their family, and this is something to is close to their heart.

No one cared about Gannon althought who knows, some of the guy's covering Foley's perverted activities, may have slept with Gannon.

So sorry to say, but the general public, the dumb Americans, only respond to SEX scandals.

"Caring for the children's safety: Republicans DO NOT care. Vote all Republicans out this November 2006!"

Anonymous said...

I am suprised Mark did not go over the stranger method of jerking off....that when you sit on your hands until numb and shut your eyes and pretend some one else is doing it