Friday, August 04, 2006

Morning Wood: Jake Gyllenhaal

"Bubble Boy" was on Comedy Central and I couldn't resist one more helping of Jakey.


Anonymous said...

I could spend a month of Sunday's inside that boy.

Thanks for the additions to my growing mean collection.

Rex said...

Kenneth is my morning wood

Toewalker said...

Is it even remotely possible to post *too many* pictures of Jake?

I think(eth) not. :-)

Thanks for a morning brightener, Kenneth.

Anonymous said...

I just stumbled upon your sight [and your gallery-site as well] looking for Kevin Peake images. You then won me over with today's selection of Jakey pics. I've got myself a rather bizarre obsession with Jake. You might want to take a look at my own entry this morning to see this rather interesting Jake pic I found.