Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Justice for JonBenet, Vindication for Patsy?

I can't say many things in the news shock me these days, but an arrest in the JonBenet Ramsey case today has my jaw on the floor. Let's hope this isn't another Natalee Holloway type of arrest. (AP)


Anonymous said...

Kenneth, do you think there's any chance of this guy's confession being false? Sometimes people confess to things they didn't do for various reasons.

I hope there's evidence that has not been made public that can back up his statements.

I have to say that I'm shocked by this news also. I always believed she was killed by one or both of her parents. (That $118,000 amount in the ransom note was always so suspicious to me - how it matched John's bonus. I now wonder how the ransom note figures into all of this.)

Kenneth M. Walsh said...

Yes, I think you're definitely right about that. Everything is coming together a little too conveniently. And reportedly he was "really into" this kind of thing, which kinda implies he'd like to be a "child-killer celebrity" of sorts.

Something tells me we'll have a clearer picture very soon. There was mystery DNA involved (which obviously wasn't the father's), so