Tuesday, July 11, 2006

What's Left of Nick Lachey Hits the Road

Now that he's got a hit album on his hands, dreamy Nick Lachey is hitting the road. The 26-city tour opens Sept. 20 in Albany, N.Y., with stops including Washington, Chicago, Atlanta, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and Indianapolis. The tour will end Oct. 26 in St. Louis. Can I just tell you how happy I am that that lone male fan in the photo above isn't me ...


Anonymous said...

What?!? No Dallas performance scheduled? Just because that skank of an ex-wife is from here (and we're ashamed that she is), doesn't mean you have to totally ignore the great state of Texas Mr. Lachey. You've tried Texas women, now it's time for you to have a go-round with a Texas man. Giddy-up cowboy.

Anonymous said...

I hate to dampen the humor in your post, but maybe that's the dad of one of those little girls?

Although, wouldn't it be HOT if he weren't? I'll take a DILF any day.