Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Kathy Griffin's 'A-List' Troubles

Regular readers of the (212) know that my love-hate relationship with Kathy Griffin rivals mine with Oprah. But then Season Two of "My Life on the D-List" rolled around and was even funnier than Season One, and suddenly all was forgiven. But there was still that Gastric Bypass Elephant in the Room, aka "hubby" Matt Moline. She was running around telling everyone that they were "reconciling" and "wish me luck" -- yet she was still going ahead with the divorce (something didn't smell right here). Then a source of mine told me that Bravo insisted on having Matt on the show, so that's why he was around (and that they weren't together at all).

Now comes this news item, supposedly grabbed from tonight's "Larry King Live" that says the real reason Kathy was divorcing Matt -- who she now refers to as her "ex-husband" was because he was stealing from her: "My ex-husband was sneaking into my wallet. That money totaled $72,000."

HUH? How did she come up with this figure? Had she set a booby trap or something? If this is true then why would you employ him on your show? Once again, something just doesn't add up. And has anyone else noticed the conspicuous "absence" of her two Main Gays this season?

You're starting to lose me again, Kath.

UPDATE: I read over on PerezHilton that Kathy was supposed to be on the July 4 show but the North Korea nukes story preempted her the past two days. Keep checking. I'm curious to hear what she says. Some comments on other blogs allude to a "gambling addiction" and a $250,000 incident, although none of this is verifiable.


Anonymous said...

"But there was still that Gastric Bypass Elephant in the Room, aka Matt Moline." LOL!!!!

Anonymous said...

Her original gays were so much better! Long live Tony and Dennis!

Anonymous said...

When is this show going to be on? I went to Larry's CNN website and there is nary a mention of anything Kathy.

Anonymous said...

You are very observant. If you notice, her entire cast has changed. It appears she can't keep anyone around her...