Monday, May 01, 2006

Page 1 News (05/01)

  • Jew It Yourself: While those oh-so-dedicated true-believer Muslims were busy killing people over cartoons, a nice Jewish boy from Maine was actually doing something about the slaughter of innocent Muslims in Africa. (NYT)

  • Her Face Lit Up: The French woman who received the world's first partial face transplant told a Sunday paper that she has complete feeling five months after the operation -- and she feels like having another cigarette, toute de suite! (AP)

  • Kanab, Utah: The town's slogan is "Everyone Welcome Here," but it depends what you mean by everyone. (NYT)

  • Birthday Building: The Empire State Building has survived a plane crash, a fire and, in the movies, a love-enflamed ape scaling its peak. Now, as it turns 75 years old on Monday, the iconic building has fallen on hard times -- especially since the Sept. 11 attacks, when it regained the double-edged boast of being the tallest building in Manhattan. But proponents say it is also poised for a comeback. Keep reading (Reuters)

  • Randy, Indeed: The Duke-Stir not only likes the yacht, the jewelry, the Persian rugs, the Rolls-Royce, and the bribes -- but he likes the hookers, too. (WP)
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