Tuesday, May 02, 2006


I forgot to mention this in my L.A. recap, but Michael and I did manage to stop by reality TV bar creation iCandy while we were on vacation. I'd hoped we run into hottie frat boy turned gay rights activist gay entrepreneur Tyler Robuck -- but instead we immediately ran into general bitch manager Yawar instead.
The bar is impressive and the crowd was nice, if not a bit homogeneous. We got there fairly early (around 11) and by the time we'd had one drink, it was getting way too crowded for us and we bailed. The bar lacks a good "flow" (a step along the back makes the area below it sort of dangerous because you can't really move out of the way of the crowd because the step causes you to trip with nowhere to go). This wouldn't be such an issue if not for the bleach-blond dyke barback who kept unnecessarily shoving his her way through the crowd to prove how manly she is. (You might want to lose that one, Tyler.)

  • Visit the iCandy site here.
  • Previously: The Company You Keep
  • 1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    I went there too, when I was in LA in February. A groovy place! And my friend and I were lucky enough to get a table, which basically put us at ass-level with all the guys standing around us. Not at all a bad thing.