Monday, May 22, 2006

Bowled Over

When Michael alerted me to pay attention to the commercial on the TV the other night, I thought I was watching one of those "Saturday Night Live" fake ads. Then I looked on in horror as I realized it was, in fact, an actual advertisement for a new KFC item.

It's called the Mashed Potato Bowl, but that is a deceptively benign name for what it really is. It's more like a Shepherd's Pie gone horribly wrong consisting of mashed potatoes and gravy covered with a layer corn, a layer of KFC crispy chicken strips and a VOILA! handful of grated cheese on top. I get woozy just writing about it, yet the message boards (frequented by fatties I presume) are just abuzz about the product.

We keep hearing about food manufacturers and restaurant chains wanting to adopt a social conscience with regard to the obesity epidemic, but then you see an ad for something like this and it really makes you wonder. Might these same corporations who come up with these dreadfully unhealthy "meals" be the same companies (or at least in bed with those) who manufacture the products that make up the $50 billion a year diet industry?


Anonymous said...

i had been waiting for you to blog about that atrocity KFC is advertising. my uncle told me about it last week, before i saw the commercials. he actually ate it and said it was good. i said it sounded gross, and it seems even worse now that i've seen the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Seems like the perfect thing to eat if you LIKE eating the results of 3 hours of digestion of the average KFC meal.

What's next - are they going to have a pre-chewed meal too?

KFC needs to knock this shit off.