Thursday, March 16, 2006

'Black.White.' Really.

Forget about that annoying "reality" show on FX. Let's get a camera crew on twin cuties Kian and Remee. The "dramactically different" girls were born to two mixed race parents -- who both have white mothers and black fathers.

"It was a shock when I realised that my twins were two different colours," said their mother, Kylie Hodgson, 19, of Nottingham, England. "But it doesn't matter to us -- they are just our two gorgeous little girls."
According to the Multiple Births Foundation, baby Kian must have inherited the black genes from both sides of the family, whilst Remee inherited the white ones. The odds against of a mixed race couple having twins of dramatically different colour are a million to one.


Tee/Tracy said...

I hadn't heard about these twins. That is simply amazing!

My husband is Hispanic and I'm White. We have 2 sons who have traits of both of us but are dramatically one or the other. I always wondered if we had like 20 kids, would one of them ever look 100% Hispanic or 100% White... but I'm not crazy enough to find out!

Anonymous said...

I think Dad is hot!