Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I first read about the property Web site Zillow.com in the NY Times a week or two ago. Zillow allows you to bypass real estate agents and find out what houses are going for in any given neighborhood. My parents are getting ready to sell their home in Phoenix so I forwarded the link to them thinking the site sounded like it might be useful for them.

But it wasn't until I saw Zillow in action on the blog Whine & Cheese that I realized just how much fun it could be. Not only is it great for being a busybody and figuring out how well your friends and neighbors are doing, it's also a hoot to see what your childhood house (that your parents probably paid $15,000 for!) goes for these days. There's also a site that's better for the New York City scene called PropertyShark.com, which has profiles and photos of thousands of NYC apartment buildings -- even my little Chelsea walkup.

Prepare yourself for endless hours of amusement!

  • 2 Web Sites Push Further Into Services Real Estate Agents Offer (NYT)
  • 1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Glad you enjoyed the site and thanks for the link! It just seems so naughty... haha! The 'rents aren't moving away from Phoenix are they? I am counting on you coming down for an AZ visit at some point! ;-)