Monday, February 06, 2006

Page 1 Consider (02/06)

  • Comic Capers: Let's give 'em something to get mad about: How soon before Hugh Hefner does a spread on The Women of Hamas? (NYT)

  • AK-47 in the (718): Man Gunned Down at Busta Rhymes Video Shoot in Brooklyn. Is this news? I would have been surprised if someone hadn't been. (Billboard)

  • The Hole Truth? Wacky Courtney Love says she's licked her drug problem. On the off chance that she's right, I guess that's good news. But she doesn't act or make music anymore, so how are we supposed to care about her anymore? (NME)

  • A Little (Nazi) Romance: Now it turns out that the 18-year-old dickhead who attacked three people in a Massachusetts gay bar and then killed a police officer while on the run also seems to have killed his female friend he picked up along the way. Let me guess: she wasn't heterosexual enough for him? (AP)
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