Friday, December 27, 2024

Remains of the Day (12/27)

NYP: Gee, I can hardly wait to fly into Phoenix for my (Maryland) brother's upcoming birthday gala with the family. (My former home won't be happy until it's gone full-on Florida.) 

The Gay Curmudgeon: Worst new year ever

AP: Depressing but not entirely surprising news from federal officials today: The U.S. saw an 18.1% increase in homelessness this year, a dramatic rise driven mostly by a lack of affordable housing as well as devastating natural disasters and a surge of migrants in several parts of the country.

Sour note: My friend Mark reminded me today that Tiny Tim once recorded a song called "Santa Claus Has Got the AIDS This Year." (When it was finally released around 1986, it was paired with "She Left Me With the Herpes.") During a live show in 1994, Tim claimed he had written it in 1980 or '81 -- "not to make fun of anybody, not for humor" and before anyone knew about the severity of the situation -- when there was a diet supplement on the market called AYDS, which he found funny. But anyone familiar with the history of the epidemic can tell you the disease at that time was known as "gay cancer" or GRID -- gay-related immune deficiency -- and the first usage of the term "acquired immune deficiency syndrome" wasn't until late 1982 -- so something about this whitewashing doesn't add up. (If he sincerely meant no harm, why would he then release it in the mid-80s and still be performing at the height of the death toll, the year before the cocktail was made widely available?) 

P.S. I'm certainly not a prude -- this is just the kind of thing Howard Stern used to play for laughs. But here's at least hoping this Songtell entry was written by AI, because it seems to take Tim at his (false) word and I don't think the "meaning" jibes with the reality at all -- the insertion of the word "the" before AIDS being the most obvious tell.


Paul Hallasy said...

Wait, so the guy showed up with guns, but no shirt or shoes?

Anonymous said...

I’m ready for another dimension …