Hey, Trump can still win this thing if the Georgia recount comes through for him and the Supreme Court rules that Arizona and Pennsylvania are no longer states
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) November 13, 2020
Here's hoping you're not paying attention to Georgia, where an unnecessary hand recount is confirming Joe Biden's win so Trump and his fact-proof cult have now decided that horrible GOP Gov. Brian Kemp -- who as secretary of state in 2018 helped rob Stacey Abrams of the governor's mansion (he won instead!) and has done everything in his power to make sure everybody in his state contracts coronavirus -- conspired with Stacey Abrams(!) to make sure Biden won (but not the two Senate seats). Is it Jan. 20 yet?
Trump supporters always claim to be shy or silent or that no one listens to them. The world's been listening for 4 years and the world's heard enough. Every MAGA moron's been interviewed holding a gun in a diner at least 83 times. When was the last time a Trump voter listened?
— Paul Rudnick (@PaulRudnickNY) November 14, 2020
CC: The Gray Lady
How privileged is your life where wearing a mask is the most oppressed you’ve ever felt?
— Good Trouble (@JLBarrow) November 13, 2020
Honest to god!
Children of the Scorned? https://t.co/t0APk6ItDX
— Jonathan Capehart (@CapehartJ) November 14, 2020
"Do these jumpsuits come in any other colors?"
Trump supporters are now marching toward the Supreme Court, chanting “Fox News sucks!” pic.twitter.com/NoJ5pwPqSo
— philip lewis (@Phil_Lewis_) November 14, 2020
Is "deprogramming" covered by most insurance companies?
Hold off all charges until jan 21 and then ... pic.twitter.com/W9pwHLlGhA
— Paul Lenaghan (@paul_plenaghan) November 14, 2020
As soon as Trump leaves office, he faces greater risk of prosecution
Trump brings back a 30-year-old, know-nothing, no experience, can’t get security clearance, corrupt punk to purge officials🚫loyal to TrumpJohnny McEntee left WH 2 yrs ago because he couldn’t get security clearance—now he’s back as post-election purger—& we’re paying his salary pic.twitter.com/QG6176KKyM— Arctic Friend (@FriendEden100) November 14, 2020
How can someone THIS BEAUTIFUL be so ugly inside?
President-elect Joe Biden ran on unity, promising to restore the “soul of the nation.” But he now faces a towering wall of Republican resistance, starting with President Trump’s refusal to concede and voters who deny the legitimacy of his election. https://t.co/sybhhWe0Wi
— The New York Times (@nytimes) November 14, 2020
Let this be a lesson to Joe Biden that he needs to get this unification idea out of his system in the next two months instead of wasting two years like Obama did
NEW —> Trump and his White House minimize pandemic surge as he focuses on denying election loss— Philip Rucker (@PhilipRucker) November 15, 2020
This is an actual headline!
This new @walking_jack model is a Greek god ... https://t.co/SXPqFmdHO7
— Matthew Rettenmund (@mattrett) November 15, 2020
Because you probably need something else to think about ...
In light of Trump's crushing defeat, it's fun to tell his supporters "Finally, we can say MERRY CHRISTMAS again!"
— Paul Rudnick (@PaulRudnickNY) November 14, 2020
Reminder: Earth just needs to rotate on its axis 67 more times until it's Inauguration Day
1 comment:
Thank you for pointing out that "Joe Biden … needs to get this unification idea out of his system in the next two months instead of wasting two years..." Amen. There is no negotiating with ideologues. He's got to out-think (which shouldn't be hard) and out-maneuver them. The latter may be dicey as the radical right seems to be untethered to all accepted norms and common decency.
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