The Daily News: Kamala Harris poised to steal show as star-studded Democratic National Convention kicks off home stretch of fight
Quill & Pad: In honor of Elvis and his watches
The Randy Report: Crazy Donald, who once called for Edward Snowden's execution, is now talking about a pardon
The WoW Report: Filmmaker Ash Christian dies in Mexico at 35
Washington Blade: Poland’s LGBTQ activists confront growing crackdown
The Washington Post: A homeless man hadn’t seen his family in 20 years. This couple reunited them.
The New York Times: How Kamala Harris’s family in India helped shape her values
The Wall Street Journal: Biden leads 50% to 41% in poll ahead of party conventions
Hot Cat of the Day: I have no outdoor space, but I might have to get Harvey some Water Weenies!
The strange case of the gay black man who was shot by the cops needs more investigation
"Identical twin sisters who married identical twin brothers both announce their pregnancies". Will the new babies be siblings or cousins?
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