Tuesday, April 02, 2019

Remains of the Day (04/02)

BBC: British footballer apologizes for sex crime with 15-year-old fan

The New York Times: Trump retreats on health care yet again -- Republicans have zero ideas so of course they want to put the topic off until after 2020(!) -- because like it or not, the Affordable Care Act is the best way to expand health coverage so long as the private insurance market is involved.

The Hill: Democratic senators unveil "Medicare X" bill to expand coverage -- which I think is the right way to ease people into the idea of single-payer health care (the so-called "public option" should have been part of Obamacare)

Towleroad: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blasts security clearance sham at White House: "What next, nuclear codes in Instagram DMs?"

Dlisted: Bristol Palin's dentures are too big

Instagram: Pietro Boselli is on a beach in Miami with his Speedo pal

Washington Post: The Lyon sisters vanished four decades ago -- but this team didn't give up the case

TPM: North Carolina GOP chairman indicted in latest scandal for party

Sun-Sentinel: Ready for spandex, mullets and leg warmers? The 80s Cruise returns to South Florida

The Daily News: "I cut people": Ex-megachurch pastor threatens S.C. newspaper during sermon, voices support for pastor who bought wife $200G Lamborghini

Politico: Pelosi tells Biden to "join the straight-arm club" and stop creeping out women

Gay Geeks: That's one packed pair of red 2(xist) briefs

Tennis Life: Rudderless Madison Keys is back with Juan Todero

Greg in Hollywood: Further proof that Chris Meloni has the hottest ass in Hollywood

Baseline: Is it finally time for me to abandon my "Fernando Verdasco is gay" fantasy?

Mother Jones: A little-noticed judicial election could determine Wisconsin's political course for a decade

Boy Culture: Buttigieg on his husband, how being a gay leader can change the world

OMG Blog: German Yven Roger shows why he got cast on "Naked Attraction" 


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