Friday, March 08, 2019

Remains of the Day (03/08)

The Atlantic: The people who eat the same meal every day

The Daily News: Are we to believe it's a coincidence that Trump celebrated the Super Bowl with the founder of the Florida "spa" where Robert Kraft allegedly paid for sexual favors?

Instagram: See what the guy who knocked Madonna up in the 'Papa Don't Preach' video looks like today at 63

Towleroad: House to reintroduce "Equality Act" next week, with support of 161 major corporations

NYT Opinion: Michelle Goldberg gets the final word on the Rep. Omar anti-Semitism "scandal"

Box Underwear: Sexiest pics of guys in undies I’ve seen yet

Gr8er Days: Former heartthrob Jan-Michael Vincent dies at 74

Vulture: Director Peter Bogdanovich gives his most revealing interview ever

Baseline: Naomi Osaka gets her own Barbie doll

Back2Stonewall: Revisiting the deadly "secret crush" episode of Jenny Jones

Boy Culture: A review of "Madonna and the Breakfast" and its exclusive premiere event

The Randy Report: 35% of at-risk gay and bisexual men are using PrEP

CNN: Pan Am Experience: Dinner theater recreates 1970s air travel 

Washington Post: Manafort sentence sparks debate over inequality in judicial system

NBC News: Chelsea Manning jailed for criminal contempt after refusing to testify about Wikileaks before federal grand jury

OMG Blog: Julianne Moore says she was fired from "Can You Ever Forgive Me?" -- and still hasn't seen it (she would've been awful)

Politico Magazine: What Ilhan Omar and Dean Phillips tell us about the future of the Democratic Party

Forbes: Why Trump will likely be re-elected, and what it means for global security

Hot Cat of the Day: Not likely to win Cat Mom of the Year honors ...

1 comment:

jaragon said...

That kitten is too cute- Jan Michael Vincent was a gorgeous young man too bad his beauty was destroyed by alcoholism