The Washington Blade follows up its piece on the 10-year anniversary of the murder of Robert Wone, whose polyamorous suspected killers have never been convicted of a single crime.
On June 29, 2010, D.C. resident and prominent attorney Joseph Price, his domestic partner Victor Zaborsky, and their friend, housemate and reported lover Dylan Ward were found not guilty of charges linking them to the August 2006 murder of Washington attorney Robert Wone. The three had been indicted in 2008 on charges of evidence tampering, obstruction of justice and conspiracy to obstruct justice in connection with the Wone case, but no murder charges were brought due to lack of sufficient evidence, police said. Wone, a friend of the three men who was straight, was found stabbed to death in the guest bedroom of the townhouse where the three men lived near Dupont Circle. Wone had been spending the night there after working late at his D.C. office, the men told police. The men also told police they believed an intruder killed Wone after entering the house through an unlocked back door while they were asleep in their respective bedrooms. Homicide detectives and prosecutors disputed that claim, saying forensic evidence showed Wone appeared to have been immobilized by a paralytic drug, sexually assaulted, and stabbed three times in the chest and abdomen with no signs of a struggle.Keep reading HERE.
Joe Price assumed a false identity and went to work for GAPING VOID? Priceless.
Dylan had to have done it, right?
Never heard of this until now - fascinating case
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