Thursday, July 14, 2016

Harvey Milks It

A kind reader wrote wanting to know how the newest addition to our family coped while we were in Washington with my family during my brother Bill's health crisis. I think it's safe to say our sitters, Tim and Greg, kept him plenty company. (Notice Harvey's self-service approach to petting!) 

But he was definitely very pleased upon our return, when he figured out Damian and I were not just the latest in a series of temporary homes ... proof being that he's been purring nonstop since our return. (We LOVE him!)

And speaking of pets ... 

Bill and Jacqueline's cats didn't come out once while I was around. But George, above, did come to check out his grandmother while she was sleeping one day. (Charlie was M.I.A. from start to finish!)

We stayed with my D.C. BFF, Ken, who has a dog that could easily pass for a kitty,  

Even dog-phobic people like Damian and me couldn't resist his lap-cat charms ...

Willie went for my ear, Larry-style!


Kitty Curious said...

Thank You for the Harvey update. Glad to find out he knows he's loved.

James Dwight Williamson said...

So the infinite traveler, is in a forever home. You are such a good kitty lover!

Stephen said...

I enjoyed these pet pics! I love your blog so keep up the great work.