Friday, September 18, 2015

Safety Last

The U.S. needs to adopt Britain's election system -- six weeks or so of campaigning and then vote -- but since it's never gonna happen, could not let this doozy from Wednesday's debate go by without mentioning it. I can't believe we still have 14 more months of this!


Anonymous said...

i surfed over to the debate just before jeb's comment about his brother's presidency . when i heard him say this, i immediately changed channels, never went back, then ffwd through every news clip of the debate the following day.

this will likely be the last gop debate i watch, i'll wait for the general election, where the opponent will be much less likely to get away with this type of revisionist history.

did anyone else know our black muslim gay-married socialist american president from kenya didn't have a birth certificate?

Bart said...

I want to know who Jeb Bush's dealer is - he HAS to be on some sort of illegal drug!!!