Friday, September 11, 2015

Cop Who Tackled James Blake Has Record of Complaints

What a shocker: That police offer who manhandled James Blake for no reason has a history of misbehavior. Blake got a personal apology from the city's police chief and the mayor, but what about the thousands of others who no one will ever believe? Read HERE.

Saddest (read: truest) comment: .... at least he didn't just shoot him i guess. Or choke him to death.


Mike in Asheville said...

I call BULLSHIT on the cop and the police union. If the cop was so concerned about safety, there where the fuck is the backup?

This was the lone action of a ignorant bully who "knew" he was right and felt justified in assaulting a black citizen. Except the cop wasn't right. And he has done that before and before and before.

I hope Blake sues and wins many millions -- as with the money Blake earns, so much goes to his charity helping kids from broken and poor households.

Only when the City Council gets tired of paying out multi-millions multi-time, maybe they will finally figure out that bad cops cost the City more that their officers are worth.

Anonymous said...

bill maher & wendell pierce raised a valid point last night on real time - the investigation that led to blake's detainment was for non-violent credit card fraud. they didn't remember any wall street execs being tackled in the street by the sec following the 2008 market collapse...