Monday, August 17, 2015

Song of the Day: 'The Dominatrix Sleeps Tonight' by Dominatrix

From the You Learn Something New Every Day files: I've been obsessed with the song "The Dominatrix Sleeps Tonight" since hearing it in the party scene in "Parting Glances" back in the 1980s. What I just learned yesterday, however, is that Dominique Davalos -- whom I have met on several occasions via her BlueBonnets bandmate and my friend Kathy Valentine -- is the foxy woman in the video for the club smash. Making things even more interesting, she also replaced singer Claudia Summers in the band Dominatrix, but only after the song had been recorded. If this sounds like it has the makings of a mini Milli Vanilla scandal, think again. Summers is also a bombshell and Davalos is also a talented singer -- so it's kind of a wash ... just not a Martha Wash.

Also learned Davalos was in a handful of films back then, including "Howard the Duck" and a televangelism parody with Viggo Mortensen and Exene Cervenka!


Released in 1984, this song is synonymous with the Starck Club. Members of the group included Stuart Argabright, Claudia Summers, Ken Lockie, and Peter Baumann. Summers parted ways with the group but not before recording the bands only single. The use of spoken lyrics made it the forerunner in the freestyle genre of music. The video, directed by Beth B., features Summers on vocal but stars her replacement, Dominique Davalos in fur and stockings. The imagery and subject matter of the song got it banned from mainstream commercial radio and MTV. Funny seems pale in comparison to your modern day Victoria Secret TV commercial. Good thing we had Rick to broaden our horizons!

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