Thursday, April 09, 2015

'Looking' Like a Mistake

As you know, I was really pissed that all you stupid queens didn't watch HBO canceled "Looking." But now that I've learned this much-ballyhooed wrap-up is going to be a full two hours in length -- not like an hour, as I assumed -- I'm even more annoyed. The beauty of the end of season two was that it left things ambiguous. Patrick and Kevin's new relationship was on the rocks, but they hadn't thrown in the towel yet. (Or had they?) Was Patrick finally "ready" for Richie ? (Or was he just ready for a trim?) If the "Looking" sendoff is going to be this long, why not just have a mini four-episode final season and leave it at that? The show's pacing and point-of-view is built around its being an episodic slice of life -- and I just don't see any way the screenwriters won't succumb to wrapping everything in a bow. It's bad enough we missed this golden opportunity with "Looking," must we ruin it with a god-awful "Sex and the City"-style "Carrie got her happy ending" film?


Pulsbeat said...

I just got my HBO Now. I havejust started watching year 1. Lookingis great! I lovethe pacing and places ( like Eros in ep3)
They indicated the movie version will be more like Weekend than Sex In The Cit

Unknown said...

Its just time for this series to go away and be replaced by a quality LGBT centered show.

Kenneth M. Walsh said...

Yes, Robert. Wait'll you feast your eyes on "Cucumber" and "Banana"!

alex said...

I enjoyed the series, but the last episode and the way Patrick acted like an old lady instead of a gay man living in San Fran, being so uptight about sex, really put me off the show.