Friday, April 03, 2015

All the Right Moves

This is why the right hates Eric Holder so much -- he's a smart, principled man who almost always does the right thing:
Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. is supporting a lawsuit by a transgender prison inmate who says the state of Georgia illegally cut off the hormone treatment that she had been taking for 17 years. It is believed to be the first time that the Justice Department has weighed in on the question of whether hormone therapy for transgender inmates is necessary medical care that states are required to provide. Though the Justice Department does not explicitly say the prison should provide the hormones, it argued in court documents that were filed on Friday that Georgia’s treatment policy and those like it around the country are unconstitutional. 
 Keep reading HERE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm hardly a conservative on almost every topic except for criminal justice. In cases like this, I really couldn't care less about giving anything other than food and water to prison inmates. If you don't want your life turned upside down, then don't do things that get you thrown into jail.