Friday, March 14, 2014

Le Smacking

  Chapter 20 of my book -- "Don't You Hear What I Hear?" -- covers my struggle with misophonia. While many dismiss this extreme reaction to certain sounds as a BS problem, the essay seems to be garnering an awful lot of attention for something that I've (supposedly) made up. One reader joked that perhaps some eating sounds would be less annoying in a foreign, um, tongue! (Seen HERE.)


dishy said...

I cannot STAND to hear people eat apples! Especially on the subway - as we know - they should get a terrible infection from touching the subway poles and then biting the apple and die a sudden death!

SlippedClutch said...

There is an actual name for this? I thought I was the only one.

I cannot go to the movies. It's something that's been a struggle for at least twenty years, since I was in my late teens. Because during the quiet scenes, it's impossible for me to listen to people chewing popcorn. The smell and moist sound of strangers eating popcorn makes my physically ill. If I hear a slurp from a soda straw, I have to step out.