Thursday, January 23, 2014

'Looking' for Trouble

Wow. Even if you didn't love the pilot, there's no way you can't be looking forward to seeing Jonathan Groff in this little getup, grabbed from Slate's fun article by a "gay extra" who talks about his day on the set of "Looking" HERE.


Johnny Diaz said...

I caught the first episode. The pace is slow. The characters are kind of bland. I give the producers credit for including gay Latino characters and at least one Asian one. Although it's set in San Francisco, the city seems cloaked. You don't get a sense of the place. The show also lacks spunk, the comedic pulse of its lead-in GIRLS. Still, I am going to give the show a chance to see some further character development. What did you think?

Kenneth M. Walsh said...

@Johnny: I enjoyed it and thought it had a lot of potential. I like the SF scene about as much as I like Brooklyn, so the Anytown effect didn't bother me. I also loved "Weekend" and the similiar slow, slice-of-life pacing. Guess you can't please everyone!

mike said...

Reading your comment under the pic, my dyslexia kicked in to reveal the problem with LOOKING -- you wrote "pilot" my brain read "plot". Yep, there isn't a plot, yet, developed to intrigue the mind.

Based on the preview cuts used in the promos, I was expecting an its a 2014 refresher of Tales of the City; a big let down from my over-expectation.