Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Hugh Gotta Be Kidding Me

Hugh Jackman showed off his steroid-enhanced body on the streets of New York yesterday. I give up on regular gym-going. If anyone wants to hook me up with a cycle, email me HERE. I have cash and I'm not afraid of needles!!!


B said...

Disappointing, he used to be one of the sexiest men alive, this is just disgusting. Clearly i never thought he got into Wolverine shape in previous movies totally naturally but this is jumping the shark with the steroids.

Anonymous said...

thanks, kenneth, for finally saying it out loud, what i've been thinking for a while now.

i'm sure he follows a strict diet, and can afford the necessary accessories and trainers, but let's be real, there's something else goin' on here.

Anonymous said...

I'm reminded of Janet's line in Rocky Horror about not liking a man with "too many" muscles.

Not totally sold that this is anything other than a lot of dedication and a good nutritionist and trainer, tho. His thighs look great, but not steriodally huge. Might just be going to town on his upper body.

Anyway, I think he looks good. Love the veins popping.

Izzy F said...

Have you seen his bare legs though? Actually hilarious - Let's just say "Leg day" isn't in his weekly schedule...

Anonymous said...

You don't get arm veins like those without pharmaceutical assistance. I think he's hooked on the body and attention that those drugs give him. Which is too bad, because like so many others, he's gone waaaay overboard and now he looks disturbing. Plus he's putting his health at risk.

Brent said...

Was actually standing next to him in line at Starbucks on Greenwich Ave yesterday morning - he was with a male friend (trainer?) and ordered "two double espressos for takeaway." He was wearing shorts and I couldn't stop staring at the disturbing bulging veins in his calves - I've never seen anything like it. Clearly roiding it up!