Monday, March 04, 2013

POZitively Amazing

I'm not a doctor, but it's hard not to be excited about this:
A baby girl in Mississippi who was born with HIV has been cured after very early treatment with standard drug therapy, U.S. researchers reported on Sunday, in a potentially ground-breaking case that could offer insights on how to eradicate HIV infection in its youngest victims.
Keep reading HERE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I welcome the news with cautious optimism, and hopes the discovery will help the scientific community to better understand HIV and how it is treated, in both children and adults.

This case is unique and applies to immediate treatment in the context of mother-to-child transmission. People living with HIV should continue adhering to their treatment plans as agreed upon with their health-care providers.

With the advent of widespread antiretroviral treatment in North America, the risk of mother-to-child HIV transmission has been reduced to 2.9 per cent of childbirths (Forbes et al., 2012). In this specific case, infection may have been prevented in the first place through improved access to testing and treatment programs.

Most mother-to-child transmission of HIV in the world today occurs due to poor access to HIV testing and treatment. Medical advancements can create new treatments, but only legislative action can cure the barriers.