Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Plaintiff Drops Sex Suit Against John Travolta

I was just lamenting the demise of Court TV -- a judge ruled the man who accused John Travolta of sexual assault could go to trial and I was DYING to watch -- when word came that the plaintiff suddenly dropped his lawsuit. Sure sounds like the Church of Scientology took care of this one in a hurry ...


uptonking said...

I am so glad. Because I am so sick of gay John Travolta. Let's go back to a simpler time of in-the-closet John Travolta. Let's go back to the days of Battlefield Earth! Yes! I went there. I said it. I also paid full price to see it and sat through the whole thing. If we're going to sue John Travolta for anything... let's start there! - Uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Anonymous said...

According to a gossip site it was dropped to the tune of $1.75million.