Thursday, June 21, 2012

Out in Hollywood

 When I saw Kate Jackson get booed on "The Tonight Show With Johnny Carson" for even bringing up the subject of homosexuality -- she was promoting "Making Love" in early 1982 -- I never could have dreamed we would come this far in my lifetime. Entertainment Weekly examines "the new art of coming out" in a cover story (teaser) that's worth a read HERE.


Kevin in the (703) said...

The interview that you referenced is actually on YouTube. The conversation about the film starts at about the 7:55 mark.

I was 15 at the time and out to my parents and I remember feeling a little sick at my stomach when I watched the Tonight Show that night and heard the booing. Funny, the things that stick with us.

Great blog, by the way!


Anonymous said...

Shocked Matt Bomer isn't on the cover since he showed us the classy way to come out, just act naturally!