Friday, March 09, 2012

Lunch and Judy

From the "It's funny because it's true" files (or is it "Laugh to Keep From Crying"?): Who says there's no such thing as a (gay-bash-) free lunch? Read/watch HERE.


Anonymous said...

It's the Onion so isn't real but wow. Don't read that 'humorous' article while drinking wine. I'm suddenly maudlin and wish I had thought of that when I was a kid.

Sean said...

Ugh, that brings back so many painful memories. In 7th grade I literally hid in the bushes every day after lunch to keep from getting bullied during recess. Worst time in my life.

Tom W. said...

This is true! I saw myself in the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh grade in this story. You see, I attended a different school for each of those grades (Centerline, MI, Warren, MI, Detroit, MI, and Roseville, MI.) This is not fiction! This has really happened and still is really happening!