Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Caption Me


vern dufford said...

It takes balls these!

vern dufford said...

It takes some balls to ware these!

Anonymous said...

This is what I do when my capes are worn out...

Kevin said...

"Look, up in the sky! It's a bird..."

Fullmoondoc said...

I See London I see France, I've got Superman underpants!

Anonymous said...

Kneel before Zod!

Anonymous said...

My mom made these for me with leftovers from the cape.

superman said...

Help! Why am I wearing this yellow bracelet?

Anonymous said...

Come on guys, give me back my clothes. Guys? Guys...?

Anonymous said...

"Well, now you know why they say I'm "faster than a speeding bullet." Lois? Lois?

Anonymous said...

I still think he's wearing way too much ... something briefer ... like nothing ;-)

Prospero said...

"I'll show you who's 'faster than a speeding bullet!'"

JD said...

I too am waiting for Superman.

Tom Straley said...

Guess which part goes "UP, Up, and.. ok, just up,"?