Friday, January 13, 2012

James Dean Steps Out of the Celluloid Closet

What a shame that James "I live to play iconic gay guys" Franco already portrayed James Dean in a sanitized (made-for-TV) movie. "Joshua Tree, 1951: A Portrait of James Dean" -- a new film starring James Preston set for release this summer that reportedly "redefines" the "Giant" star "for a new generation" -- promises the full story on the star's homosexuality -- genital warts and all. Check out the moody trailer. Like Jimmy himself, it will leave you wanting more.

UPDATE: Not to be outdone, James Franco is now set to play Robert Mapplethorpe in a new biopic!


501bob said...

Looks great. He seems like a good choice. said...

Looks about as "authentic" as the other perfume commercial movies about icons like "W.E." and "My Week With Marilyn."