Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What's Good for the Goose and the Gander ...

By now you've heard about "L-Word" actress Leisha Hailey (who was in the greatest '90s band ever The Murmurs!) and her girlfriend, Camila Grey, being thrown off a Southwest Airlines flight for a public display of affection that the airline claims it received "several passenger complaints (about) characterizing the behavior as excessive."

The couple issued a thoughtful response, which strikes at the heart of the matter:

"We want to make it clear we were not making out or creating any kind of spectacle of ourselves, it was one modest kiss," the written statement said. "We are responsible adult women who walk through the world with dignity. We were simply being affectionate like any normal couple."

Hailey and Grey acknowledge they became angry when the flight attendant reprimanded them, saying Southwest is a "family airline." (I'd have fucking flipped out. Does Southwest take a poll before deciding what other type of behavior is excessive?)

"No matter how quietly homophobia is whispered, it doesn't make it any less loud," the statement said. "You can't whisper hate. We ask this airline to teach their employees to not discriminate against any couple, ever, regardless of their own beliefs."

I wasn't there, but I can tell you this much. What is considered "excessive" for heterosexuals and homosexuals are two entirely different things. In recent weeks -- at two "family" venues -- I have witnessed the following:

1. A straight couple REALLY making out on the High Line. The man had an obvious erection that the woman was duly noting.

2. A woman straddling a man in his seat in Arthur Ashe Stadium, making out with him and flipping her hair around as she rode him. This went on for several minutes.

In neither case did I see security or other patrons tell either couple to "tone it down" or "cool it," despite young children being everywhere. When straight couples do things like this, there's a certain "Good for you!" attitude that kicks in, whereas same-sex couples are, as always, flaunting and throwing it in people's faces.

Hailey and Grey sounds like the name of a good law firm -- I think Southwest would be wise to apologize and put this ugly incident behind them. Its refusal to back down is really starting to anger me, and I can imagine this getting really ugly if it isn't taken care of soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for Hailey and Gray. Too often, and for far too long homphobic hate has been tolerated as good taste, when in fact it is discrimination. Thanks for keeping the world informed. Southwest is going to get an e-mail from me regarding this issue.