Thursday, September 22, 2011

'Sesame' Beat

Via OMG: This "Glee" parody on "Sesame Street" is just brilliant, especially Rachel! On a semi-related note, I've learned over the years that because it debuted in 1969, so many people who are just a few years older than I am have never watched "Sesame Street." (They were too mature for it by then, allegedly.) Kind of boggles my mind to imagine growing up without Grover, Kermit and Mr. Snuffleupagus. (Oh, you 48-year-olds wouldn't understand.)


SSSDC1 said...

I hope Bert and Ernie watch that skit, because I think we just saw our first openly-gay Muppet.

David said...

I was 7 when this show started. I never watched it, as I was already watching syndicated reruns of some very classic TV shows.

Rick Schoen said...

I'm 48 and I watched Sesame Street. It probably helped that I had younger sisters who were the target audience.