Is Madonna's latest directorial effort, "W.E.," yet another cinematic disaster for the Material Girl? The Guardian sure thinks so. Click HERE for the overall buzzkill.
My friend Christopher says his favorite part of this arrival/presser clip is the hysterical queen screaming her name for the first 27 seconds. ("After that, I do enjoy her new Asian-inspired face," he said.) I, on the other hand, could do without the revived British accent -- you're still from Detroit, honey -- and the moviemaking. (What did films ever do to you???).
she looks like Bette Davis circa 1978
It's a pretty good movie, BTW. It's not Oscar-worthy, but it's very nicely done and worthy of more than the (c'mon, read it...ridiculously) vicious Guardian take-down.
Not a great plastic surgery job, Madge!
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