Friday, August 19, 2011

Psycho Too

Tony Perkins: The face of evil

If anyone thought the Southern Poverty Law Center branding the Family Research Council a "hate group" was being hyperbolic, then they should get a load of the letter its president, Tony Perkins, sent to supporters this month in which he blasts President Obama for taking part in the It Gets Better campaign -- which, in case you didn't know, was started by a "homosexual extremist who built a career on hatred of Christians and our values":

"Can you imagine George Washington, Ronald Reagan or any other president telling school children it's okay to be immoral and that they'll eventually feel better about it? It's disgusting. And it's part of a concerted effort to persuade kids that homosexuality is okay and to actually recruit them into that "lifestyle."

He's 100 percent right about one thing -- I CAN'T imagine any other president doing this -- which is the very reason I admire our president as much as I do. (Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who realizes Obama can't just do whatever he wants. Even when he had majorities in both houses, these obstructionist assholes wouldn't let him do things that a majority of Americans REALLY WANTED, much less things that are moderately approved of or just morally right and take more time.) But if you thought the twisted and vitriolic attacks (and did I say twisted?) were bad in 2008, this is just a sampler of what Republicans -- who, make no mistake, will stop at nothing to win -- will do now that Obama has a record. And if condemning a man for sticking up for children who were bullied to the point of suicide isn't the work of a hate organization, I honestly don't know what is.

More HERE.


James Greenlee said...

Thank you, Kenneth. If you go to Americablog, Joe.My.God.'s comments sections, or most any other left/gay blog, the Obama-bashing is so off the charts as to be depressing. I'm not an "Obama-bot", but I too think he's doing better than most say.

Our expectations were likely way too high in 2008, but we were SO desperate to get away from Bush/Cheney/Rove, etc. that we got a bit carried away. There was bound to be some backlash. But if you try to be the voice of reason, you'll get your head bit off, often by commenters you've enjoyed reading in the past.

It's so counter-productive. We've got dominionist candidates like Perry and Bachmann who want to make the Bible the new Constitution. I want to hold up their pictures--Sinead O'Connor style--rip them up, and shout to our side, "fight the REAL enemy!"

mike said...

thank you Kenneth, very well said.

Prospero said...

Smart people will realize how bad this makes him look. Sadly, Republicans don't seem to be too smart, these days.