Monday, August 08, 2011

Out of Bounds?

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, it looks like Out magazine may have flattered my pal Scooter LaForge and photog Walt Cessna at a stalkish level with this pic in the August issue of the mag. Some of Scooter's fans are saying it's a blatant ripoff -- "Hold my Louboutins, I'm going after Out!" -- while others say it's no big deal -- "Those pictures are everywhere ... everybody is doing it now." Tell me what you think in the poll below.

Did Out Rip Scooter off with this photo?
Yes, but within the boundaries of "inspired by." free polls


Bob said...

I voted no. I do think it's a rip-off just not by Out.

Aren't they those Bl33n shirts? Those guys are the people who ripped Scooter off.

Mark said...

Maybe I'm crazy, but I feel like I've seen those "flip over the head" t-shirts all over the place. Taking a picture of someone wearing one doesn't seem like a very big leap to me.