Friday, August 19, 2011

Majorca on 34th Street

The Daily Spin reports that Rafael Nadal will be at Macy's Herald Square on Thursday, August 25, at 5 p.m. for the unveiling of a 20-foot image of himself. Nadal will then do a meet-and-greet with fans, with the first 200 people who purchase jeans from Armani's 2011 collection getting to have a photo taken with the 10-time Grand Slam champion. Additionally, the first 100 people who buy more than $150 of Armani jeans will each receive a pair of briefs signed by Nadal. (No word if they will be worn by him, pervs.)



Anonymous said...

So how many pairs of (gag) Armani jeaqns will you be buying?

Anonymous said...

come on rafa (and roger, fernando, novak, andys...), just take it all off already! we know you want to