Friday, August 12, 2011

Horny, Hypocritical, Homophobic Hoosier in Hotseat

Bad boys get spanked

Republicans like to say that political sex scandals are at least split 50/50 between the Donkeys and the Elephants -- if not leaning left with big names like John Kennedy, Gary Hart, Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner. (FYI: I don't buy the John Edwards was a hypocrite reasoning -- ALL married men with children in politics are inherently presenting themselves as "family men," why is it so much more egregious because he too cheated, because he was good-looking and his wife was not? Eliot Spitzer is a hypocrite, but even his bullshit wasn't less blatant than these wingnuts. Yes, he prosecuted people for prostitution-related crimes, but at least he didn't draft the laws he was enforcing.) But what Republicans can't seem to get -- or should I say, like to pretend they don't get -- is that it's the hypocrisy, dummy! So it's with great glee that I mention yet another anti-gay, married GOP lawmaker, Rep. Phillip Hinkle of Indiana, who got caught with his pants down with a male hooker. It seems Hinkle tried to buy some "time" with a teenage boy on Craigslist for 80 bucks who got spooked when he TOLD HIM he was a congressman but then claims he wasn't allowed to leave! The is as hilarious as it is disturbing -- I smell a wrongful imprisonment charge looming in this lecherous lawmaker's future -- but that he thought he could get the kid to stay the night for no extra money -- "just free breakfast and maybe late night snack" -- tells me he's as cheap as he is stupid. Read all the pathetic details HERE.


Jack said...

Who's next? There are so many to choose from.

Christopher in Aotearoa NZ said...

if the facts are correct then Hinkle set out to deliberately get caught out. The pressure of being in the closet got too much I suppose, and the tension between being 'straight' and acting all that time, and being who you are really would have been enormous.

I just wish someone would give a lesson to homophobic wingnuts that if they choose to come out, could they please do it with a little more dignity. I mean, isn't this like the 538th time someone has come out in this way? Boring.