Monday, June 06, 2011

Weiner Finally Spills It

Rep. Anthony Weiner finally came clean about his online flirtations with various women -- about f**king time! -- and based on everything we now know, I say anyone who thinks he should resign from his always-up-for-reelection position is nuts. (OK, so not everyone agrees, but only Democrats would think a Democrat should resign over a sex scandal that involved no sex.) But even if Pretty on the Outside's prediction that there is more to come is true, I just don't see how lying about embarrassing junior-high sexanigans is that big a deal. While it's his wife that he has to answer to at home, I say let the congressman's constituents be the ones to judge him on his professional life, not the general public. This is no liberal bias. Spitzer broke the law and needed to go, but so did Vitter. Chris Lee didn't leave because of his shirtless photo being discovered, he left because there was a whole lot more than his missing top lurking inside his closet ...


Patrick said...

I could give a serious hoot about whether or to whom Weiner tweets his package. But, sorry Ken, one day of national coverage of a scandal that comes down to which Democrat represents Brooklyn is one day too many. It's a safe district for Democrats. Weiner, like any politician is expendable. No political capital should be spent on this. Democrats don't have that fuel to burn.

Matthew Rettenmund said...

@Patrick has a point in that the Democrats are probably thinking that, too.

But I wouldn't resign if I were him, either.

ML said...

Totally bored by pseudo-sex "scandals" that aren't, frankly, all that scandalous.

Just one more silly thing to distract people from what's really happening in their lives and their country.

Grow up, America.

Weiner Man said...

I hope he does not resign and I will have no problem voting for him again. What he did was pretty stupid, but it is hs wife that has to forgive him. He broke her trust, not mine.

Unknown said...

In my opinion, he is not at all attractive.