Didn't catch the Tony Awards last night -- was on a plane coming back from Tulsa -- but I hear Neil Patrick Harris did a great job hosting. Not sure where former host Hugh Jackman fits into the program, but this is a potential celebrity sex tape line-up I could get behind.
That is two men I would LERV to see get it on.
They actually did a "duelling hosts" segment as part of the awards ceremony.
The show was great, NPH was awesome, and I loved the bit he did with Hugh!
New Rule: The 2 of them must host all future award shows.
And Ditto what Damien Oz said!
They actually sang a duet that included "You're the Top": awkward!
It was the best award show yet, could not get any Gayer, except if Neil and Hugh made out on camera. The opening number was priceless.
FYI the entire show was on YouTube in HD, don't know if it's been pulled.
Agree with irisgirl.....they should host ALL award shows in future!!
I think NPH is adorable and Hugh Jackman is just HOT in every conceivable category!!!
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