Monday, May 16, 2011

The Revenge of the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders

When I was an intern on Capitol Hill in college, one of my roommates was from Dallas and kept talking about it like it was a real city the center of the universe. I'm not sure if it was his Southern belle twang or that he thought Dallas belonged in the same breath as "New York, Los Angeles and Chicago," but unless Nick Nolte and Mac Davis circa 1979 are going to be on it, I can't imagine how the Gay Housewives of Dallas won't going to be the most awful show ever. Meet the cast HERE.

1 comment:

Scott said...

I lived in Dallas for a long time and it has a bit of a superiority complex. As proud as people are to be Texans, Dallasites feel they are the sophisticates of the state.

I will say there are some aspects of Dallas and the gay community there specifically that are unique - some of it good.