Monday, April 18, 2011

Morgan Spurlock: Grin and Bare It

I'm a pretty big fan of Morgan Spurlock, but I don't see anything appealing about his new film about product placement, "The Greatest Movie Ever Sold." I could be wrong (I haven't seen it yet, but the trailer isn't funny at all), but If you're going to spend 90 minutes exposing something wrong, it really needs to be something that seriously impacts people's lives. (See: "Inside Job," "Sicko," "8: The Mormon Proposition" and "Fahrenheit 911.") Even Spurlock's lightweight "Supersize Me," which was for all intents and purposes a completely improbable scenario -- even the most unhealthy eater I know doesn't eat at McDonald's for ALL meals -- had an overall message about the dangers of excessive fast-food consumption. Maybe I'm wrong about the new one, but I won't complain about the movie poster. And I might consider going if he brings back the black Speedo.


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