Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Bristol Whipped

I'm so tired of American politics that I can barely even write this post. But I have to ask how is it that when Murphy Brown -- a FICTIONAL, middle-age TV character who was a liberal -- had a child "out of wedlock" (it's in quotes because she's a FICTIONAL character!!!), the ACTUAL Republican vice president of the United States was able to say with a straight face that this "lifestyle choice" played a part in the decay of moral values and family structure in American society that contributed to the riots in L.A. in 1992 -- and turn it into a wedge issue. But when Bristol Palin -- the REAL-LIFE unwed teenager daughter of the Republican party's ACTUAL vice-presidential candidate -- has a baby out of wedlock, she is rewarded with endless fame and fortune? The answer, I suppose, is perfectly simple: these fucking Republicans are pure evil (geniuses).


Dennis said...

Our economy may be in the toilet, our armed forces may be in constant conflict, our civil rights may be the subject of popular votes, and don't even get me started on the grammar, but the politics of fear are alive and well, my friend.

Late said...

All I know is that from this point on, the GOP can never demonize unwed mothers ever again without (as they are wont to do anyway) being hypocritical.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Dan Quayle the VP during Murphy Brown's baby episode? Enough said.

Dave said...

hypocrisy - a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.

Brian said...

I see this more as a prudes decrying declining morals in the media/entertainment issue than a political one. Folks on both sides of the spectrum get their knickers in a bunch whenever something crosses their personal line of what is "appropriate." Tipper Gore went after Pop Music. Today, some people are up in arms about the "animals" on Jersey Shore drinking, fighting, and f*cking. Sure, The Palins (and many conservatives) are hypocrites...but I don't make the same connection between Murphy Brown and Bristol Palin that you do. Let us not forget the rush to make Levi a "part of the family" during the campaign and then quick dismissal of him post-loss. I think conservatives accept Bristol because they have to in order to continue to worship at the alter of her bat-shit insane mother.