Monday, July 19, 2010

Here Comes the 'Bride'

Is Abe Rosenthal slotting stories from the grave? The NYT Picker is reporting that The New York Times referred to one of the men in a same-sex marriage as "the bride" in yesterday's Weddings/Celebrations section.

The NYT Picker writes:

Today's style change strikes us as a bold new step in some direction, though we're not sure what. Do gay rights activists want to see gender labels restored to wedding announcements for men? Or can the NYT just be enjoying its authority to subjectively assign one partner a "bride" label, just for fun?

Either way, it's sweet!

I did not see yesterday's print edition, but something tells me his has more to do with the mass layoffs on various copy desks than any gay-fabulous style changes. Whatever the case may be, I'm guessing Edward Farley (the groom) and Matthew Horowitz (the bride) are getting a lot of mileage out of this one.

UPDATE: A correction has since been posted, bolstering my copy-desk theory.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

One of my secret Charlotte York bucket list items is to get my marriage in Vows. If that means being the bride, I will totally be the bride.