Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Matt Lanter Loses Touch With Reality

For those of you who snicker at reality-television "stars" who are trying to transition into acting, just remember that hottie Matt Lanter -- of "90210" and "Commander in Chief" fame -- was once a contestant on Carmen Electra's "Manhunt: The Search for America's Most Gorgeous Male Model" (wasn't he the "bat boy"? Oh, and you're welcome, Matt, for my reminding everyone). I'm sure it's just a matter of weeks before Jake Pavelka lands a plum movie deal. Matt is seen here at the Social Life Estate in the Hamptons (Water Mill) celebrating his and Sara Canning's Social Life Magazine cover. That's publisher Justin Mitchell and editor Devorah Rose (herself a reality TV personality) with the two CW stars above.


S said...

He was also known as the other (secret) gay contestant on Manhunt.

pikespeak said...

I so forgot about that, S.