Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Edgar Miller: Master of His Domain

Chicago artist Edgar Miller (1899–1993) is considered one of the greatest "unknowns" of his generation, having left an indelible mark throughout the Windy City with his carvings, paintings, sculpture, drawings and design work that transformed living spaces into works of art. Authors Richard Cahan and Michael Williams have set out to revive awareness of this master with their new book, "Edgar Miller and The Handmade Home: Chicago's Forgotten Renaissance Man," which chronicles the life and works of a design genius who abhorred waste so used recycled materials to transform old structures into masterpieces created entirely by hand.

(Photos via TIME)

1 comment:

El Burro said...

Studied architecture and design for years and never heard of this guy. Amazing images -- hope this book is available now on Amazon. Thanks for posting!